Writing Excellent Research Papers
Organising a manuscript begins with figuring out the exact manner in which every statement, findings and results will be established.
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While most papers follow the basic framework of having a title, an abstract and inclusion of relevant keywords, following are the sections that are included in a standard research paper and are further explained upon:
- Introduction: An extensive insight into the pre-existing literature that also includes the authors own reasons for choosing the topic.
- Methodology: Tools and techniques used to carry out the research.
- Discussion: What the writer constitutes from his/her research conducted and how to connect it to the pre-existing literature.
- Results: The outcomes that were established by the data and the proceeding analyses.
- Conclusion: Exactly what was determined in this research along with relevant suggestions.
- Acknowledgements: Names of all participants, funding bodies and statisticians etc.
- References: Citations of all the resources used in order to carry out the research.

Even though this is the standard format to organize and draft a research paper for publication, there are times when certain materials do not follow the same manner. Many manuscript writers follow the following sequence while consolidating their research writing piece.
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- Designing all figures, illustrations, histograms, tables, bar charts/ pie charts and thus presenting them. This is crucial since all data used in the research project cannot possibly be mentioned within the scope of one article hence it must be summarized and presented in a way that the reader can make sense of it via these tools. However, all these are supposed to stay independent of the data and facts presented elsewhere in the research. The image suggested in the research study is supposed to give the reader a unique idea about the data and facts that no written word possibly could.
- The researcher must know the relevant methodology that shall be used in that particular research project. The methodology is presented and referenced so that any other researcher could verify the outcomes of the research and also so as to explain the process that led to the results and outcomes that were found and established so that readers can make more sense of it.
- Determining the outcome of all the data presented. That is, the results.
- Efficiently writing the discussion on the topic of research where not only the pre-existing literature is alluded to but the researcher’s own findings and results are also briefly mentioned.
- Writing up the conclusion where the author shall surmise all that has already been said but in an effective and precise manner in order to nicely tie the research together.
- Introduction is the key. This is where the author might either capture the reader’s attention fully or lose it for good. This is what is sometimes even termed as the hook of a paper or a proposal, since the author is essentially striving to grab the reader’s attention. However, most standard guidelines suggest that this should be written at the very end of the research since that’s when the author has truly figured out the primary focus as well as the objectives of his/her research study and can more succinctly and effectively put forth the introduction that will truly get to the reader.
- Making an abstract that precisely and effectively conveys the crux of the research.
- Coming up with an eye catching title for the research is crucial in order to capture reader’s attention.
- Making a section for all the key words that shall be used for indexing the research.
- Making up a section where all help from statisticians, funding bodies as well staff or faculty is acknowledged.
- Last but not the least, a vigorous literature search must come with an extensive bibliography and reference section. This is included at the end of the proposal (in alphabetical order) to give an insight into all literature reviews that were taken into account and provided the basic framework for the research.

The rules and conditions for research publication are different for every single journal, no matter what the modality of the topic is hence the researcher should always look into the section of each journal where an extensive guide for authors is given and all the terms and conditions that it would require to get an article published in that particular journal is also stated.
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These are usually regarding the formatting styles, number of references allowed, styles in which to organize the reference section, how and where the tables and figures are to be mentioned, and what is going to be the font applied etc.
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